About Us
To Win the Customer Satisfaction and to Product Best Qualitative Product are the Ultimate Goal Our Company.
In addition, our molding department is capable to provide the customer shortest developing period from the new 3D design to completion of producrts all be made from our factory.With molding,extrusion,and injection departments,we are able to provide the best molding and product cost which allow our customer to gain the competitive advantage in the market.
添淑股份有限公司創立於西元1984年,專精致力於塑膠射出也長達數十年.添淑不斷的努力充實各類知識與資訊以期能精益求精,並且深獲客戶的肯定及支持,方能持續茁壯至今. 從小零件至大物件,本公司會以最專業的技術來達成最高的產品完成度,並堅持產品品質的完美度。也因此目前產品銷售到歐美.中東及日本地區,遍及世界各地。
更為求落實從頭至尾的產品高品質, 添淑設立原料壓出部門, 嚴密監控及掌握產品原料的品質。 對於原料的物性知識,搭配上射出專業了解,相信更能提供最完美的產品品質。且同時期成立模具部門, 為求客人贏得開發新產品之市場優勢, 節省客戶的開發成本,以取得最佳模具及產品價格的優勢。
從原料物性的測試至產品出貨之國際標準測試,本公司齊全的機械測試設備可讓客戶有更精確及完美的品質。添淑重視公司員工職前的訓練及新產品教育課程, 以準確的達到客戶要求的產品品質。客戶的滿意及產品品質的重視,是本公司長久以來努力的目標。
Quality Management Department
- Spectrometer
- Static Base Tester
- Harden Tester
- Material Electric Furnace
- Universal Impact Tester
- Dynamic Base Tster
- Computer Servo Control Material Testing Machine
- Vertical,Horizontal Back & Seating Tester
- Sample Cutter For Impact Test Machine
Injection Department
- 110T:1 Unit
- 180T:1 Unit
- 280T:1 Unit
- 370T:2 Unit
- 450T:2 Unit
- 550T:2 Unit
- 800T:2 Unit
Extrusion Department
- 72 Twin Screw Extruder Production Line Machine
- 62 Twin Screw Extruder Production Line Machine
- Extruder Production Line Machine
Molding Department
- CNC Milling Machine
- Milling Machine
- Wire Cut Machine
- Grinding Machine
- Welding Machine
Design Department
- 2D Assembly Drawing
- 2D Part Drawing
- Design Package
- Prototyping Services